Breathe Well, Live Well Facilitator Support Center

Welcome to the Breathe Well, Live Well Educator Resource Center! Below are resources to support you when implementing the Breathe Well, Live Well program.

For additional support please contact Jasmine Sturdivant or Barbara Kaplan at or

Implementation Guides and Forms

Educator Supplemental Resources

Marketing & Participant Recruitment Resources

The American Lung Association has developed marketing and participant recruitment materials for Educators to use when implementing the Breathe Well, Live Well program in their community. Below are a couple of tools to get you started. Contact Jasmine Sturdivant or Barbara Kaplan if any additional resources are needed.

Participant Resources

Below are resources that you can distribute to participants during the educational sessions that will support them when controlling their asthma.

Support Webinars

The American Lung Association hosts annual webcasts to support our Breathe Well, Live Well Educators. Below you can access each webcast which allows you to listen on demand.

Ways to Get Involved

The American Lung Association has a wide range of programs and advocacy initiatives that can provide a meaningful experience for you and maybe even the families you serve. There are many ways to get involved from joining the Lung Action Network, to sharing your story, or participating in a community event, such as the Fight For Air Climb or LUNG FORCE Walk. Your Lung Association staff contact would be happy to talk to you about local options. Consider inviting a Lung Association representative to present at an upcoming meeting about the work the American Lung Association is doing in your community and ways to get involved in our mission of saving lives by preventing lung disease and promoting lung health.

Page last updated: April 18, 2024

Asthma Educator Institute
, | Jul 11, 2015