Turquoise Takeover

May 8-14, 2022

LUNG FORCE’s annual Turquoise Takeover celebration unites the nation to raise critical awareness of lung cancer, the nation’s leading cancer killer.

LUNG FORCE Walks and Run/Walks

Let's celebrate our power to bring about positive change and support those impacted by lung cancer.  Join a Walk or start a DIY fundraiser during Turquoise Takeover!

Meet Our Heroes

Our LUNG FORCE Heroes inspire, encourage and empower us to raise our voices to stand against lung cancer. Learn about their powerful stories today, and share your story to raise awareness about this disease.

Donate to Defeat Lung Cancer

Although lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths among Americans, there has been a dramatic 33% increase in the survival rate over the past 10 years. Your donations to lifesaving research, education and advocacy make a critical difference in the efforts to defeat this disease.

Turn Turquoise on Social

Take a selfie while wearing turquoise and post it to social media to help raise awareness and tag @LUNGFORCE!

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Check Out the Lung Cancer Patient Virtual Meetup

LUNG FORCE is also hosting a free Lung Cancer Patient Virtual Meetup On the Go for patients and caregivers to learn about the latest trends, resources and research surrounding the disease throughout May.

Asthma Educator Institute
, | Jul 11, 2022