According to the U.S. Surgeon General, secondhand smoke is a cause of lung cancer and coronary heart disease, and there is no risk-free level of exposure. Currently, 28 states and the District of Columbia have passed comprehensive smokefree laws. No states approved comprehensive smokefree laws in 2018.
- Map and Information on Nationwide Progress Towards Passing Smokefree Laws
- State Laws Prohibiting Smoking in Government Buildings, Private Workplaces, Restaurants and Bars (pdf)
- State Laws Restricting Smoking by Location – provides detailed information on the strength of each state’s smoking restrictions.
- See Your State’s Laws
- See How Your State Measures Up
- Factsheet on Secondhand Smoke’s Health Effects
- Help advocate for smokefree workplaces
Smoking in Multi-Unit Housing
Secondhand smoke seeping into apartments, condominiums and other multi-unit housing is just as toxic and hazardous as in being exposed in public places and workplaces. Here are some Lung Association materials that may be helpful.
Other Resources
Looking for information on local laws on smoking? Try an organization called Americans for Nonsmokers Rights.
Looking for more information on secondhand smoke? Check out these resources from the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids or this information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Questions? Please contact us.
Page last updated: April 17, 2024